
"I dwell in possibility" ~Emily Dickinson

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The Sunday Currently {Ten}

Posted on: 7.07.2013

I haven't done a Sunday Currently post in a while. I thought it was about time to dial it back in!

Reading: In Search of Balance by Richard A. Swenson, MD. I'm only a few chapters in, but this has been a very good read so far. Swenson begins by giving a historical overview of progress and the way that daily life has been revolutionized by the byproducts of progress. Some of these byproducts have positively impacted human life while other byproducts send human life on a trajectory of  imbalanced chaos. I highly recommend it!
Writing: This post and mayyyyybe I'll get around to drafting a few more. We shall see!
Listening: Shane & Shane's newest album: Bring Your Nothing on Spotify.

Thinking: lots of scattered and unrelated things this morning. But the most pressing thought on my mind is "dang, it's hot in this house!" :) It's about time to turn on the AC.
Smelling: The lemon-vanilla lotion I just put on.
Drinking: Iced-tea.
Wishing: I didn't have to run errands today. In this heat my car never seems to get cool enough when I'm out and about.
Hoping: to spend some time in the pool this afternoon!
Wearing: The typical - jeans + t-shirt combo. (Summer is where my fashion sense goes to die.)
Loving: The four day weekend I just had. My first extended weekend since I got my job earlier this year. It almost felt like a vacation!
Wanting: To read all the books I recently ordered. Amazon Prime makes it FAR too easy to buy books. Who can resist free two-day shipping?
Needing: To eat something. I've been off gluten and most heavy carbs (legumes, rice, any sort of bread or flour based food) for about a month now, and it makes grabbing something quick a little more challenging. And it's just too hot to cook anything! Even eggs (my stand-by) seem overly heavy right now. Maybe I'll cut up some watermelon....
Feeling: like I can't think of a good answer to this prompt.... fine?
Clicking: I keep checking Joanna Goddard's blog to see if she's had her baby yet! Please tell me I'm not the only one. :)
Linking up with Lauren.


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