
"I dwell in possibility" ~Emily Dickinson

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Sunday Currently {Two}

Posted on: 2.10.2013

A little snow fall this week!


Reading:  North and South by Elizabeth Gaskell. I had been looking for this in stores without success when I remembered I could purchase it through my Nook! (A "slap-self-on-forehead" moment, for sure.) 

Writing:  This post and probably not much else today.

Listening:   to Mumford & Sons! (And in between songs I hear wind chimes...) both are very happy sounds to me! 

Thinking: about today's "to-do's" which happen to include dealing with a mountain of clean laundry on my bed. (At least it's clean!!) I put it there so I would have to deal with it before I crawl in bed tonight. I play little tricks on myself like that sometimes. 

Smelling: My hair! Is that weird? It's a bit damp from the shower so I'm still catching a whiff of my shampoo every once in a while. 

Wishing: that I could fly to Portland today. 

Hoping: to hear positive feedback from some job applications I sent out last week. 

Wearing: Black jeans, and red plaid button up shirt. A regular farm-hand. (Well, farm hands probably don't wear skinny jeans. But close enough.) 

Drinking: Iced coffee with cream. For some reason hot coffee did not appeal to me this morning! I have been scheming, though, to recreate a drink recipe from one of my favorite Chico restaurants. I'm planning to try it out today! 

Loving: That this week included such a variety of weather! A couple days were sunny and warm-ish, a couple days were cloudy and moody, and one day it actually snowed!! It was so exciting! Even though it only stuck for a few hours.

Wanting:  these boots. I don't know why.  They aren't really my style (whatever that is) but I've been noticing them around and liking them.  

Needing:  I'm going to just keep putting "A JOB!" here.  It's fitting. 

Feeling:  thankful that I have slept well the past two nights! After three weeks of sleeping very poorly and waking up with that yucky exhausted, sick feeling in my stomach and head, I am so glad that I am on the mend! I thought I was seriously broken for a little while. 

Clicking:  on this cheese fondue recipe. My family probably will not reject me if I propose we have this with sourdough french bread for lunch. 

Linking up with Lauren today.


  1. Love Mumford and Sons! Also, windchimes are so pretty, I'm just now realizing what a dork I am for not having one!

    1. I have really enjoyed wind chimes recently. We have some that are a thick metal so they have a deep, rich tone instead of that high-pitched, irritating tone! :-)

  2. That fondue recipe looks delicious! I've actually never made homemade fondue before, I'd love to try it someday.

    Glad to hear you're sleeping better. That's a horrible feeling, waking up and feeling sick and not well rested.

    1. I am excited to try it out as well! I think I will substitute garlic for the nutmeg, for some reason nutmeg doesn't sound as good to me in a cheese fondue as garlic. :)

  3. I'm dying to get a good wooden wind chime this spring. I need a job, too. I'm getting really tired of interviewing for jobs with nothing to show for it. I wish you luck with your applications! I know that it's super discouraging at times. I just spent all afternoon staring at my cover letter, driving myself absolutely crazy. Sigh....

    I love sourdough bread and it's even better with cheese fondue! Happy Sunday! Hope you are on the mend....

    1. I have TOTALLY done the whole "staring at my cover letter, driving myself absolutely crazy" before. I so get that. :( Its hard to put so much effort into each and every interview without the results you hope for to give you motivation!

  4. it's comforting to know that you're searching diligently for a job, too - maybe this will be the week we both get lucky!

    also? i love those boots!


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