
"I dwell in possibility" ~Emily Dickinson

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Posted on: 11.09.2009

After a couple months of paper work, board meetings, finger printing, and 16 hours of training I am finally an AVID Tutor! AVID is a program for Jr. High and High schools which focuses on building the skills necessary for college entrance and success. This program has done an excellent job of leveling the playing field for all children with college and career goals and I’m quite excited to be a part of it. So far I’ve led one tutorial which was somewhat of a “crash-course” for me as I wasn’t supposed to be giving tutorials until next week.

I believe that in giving the first tutorial I made a wonderful group of little enemies. The tutor training session made it very clear that AVID Tutors must maintain a certain amount of professional distance from the students in order to get the highest performance from the students. I am to be kind and caring, without succumbing to or allowing any of the antics which are prevalent among Jr. highers. I whole-heartedly agree with this method, yet, the application is a bit difficult. Of course I want them to like me! But alas, it is not to be, as I happened to lead the tutorial of students from the “in-crowd.” The sighs, eye rolling, and profanity were not what I expected to be welcomed with!

However difficult this endeavor may turn out to be, I feel like the Lord has me immersed in this age-group for a reason. Between tutoring and tribes I am completely surrounded by pre- and mid-pubescent children. I hope I will be able to make a positive impact on many of these hurting and troubled students.


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